Our terms and conditions

Welcome to our website, below you will find the general terms and conditions of use of the services provided by the company commercially known as JOINTECH, through its platform www.jointech-mx.com. Once you have read this document and continue browsing the website, we will accept your agreement to the policies that we present below, which are mandatory and binding for all browsers, in case you do not agree with these provisions, unfortunately you will not have the opportunity to use this site, as well as the services we provide.


For the purposes of these terms and conditions, the following definitions are defined below:
  • Platform: called and known commercially as JOINTECH.
  • Client or user: natural or legal person, who provides their services and products through the web platform that JOINTECH manages.
  • Company: JOINTECH.
  • Policies: The terms and conditions that are set forth in this document.
  • User: Natural person who makes use of the client’s goods and/or services, which are provided through the platform.
  • Contract: It is the present written document.

Our policies

I. Acceptance: this contract establishes the policies of the company, located at Blvd. Agua Caliente 12310, Fracc. del Prado 22480 Tijuana, Baja California; that will be applied for the access and use by the user of this platform. By accessing, consulting or using the platform, users agree to comply with the policies established in this contract. Otherwise, you will not be able to access or use the platform. The company reserves the right to update this document, whenever it deems appropriate. In accordance with the above, in the event that modifications are made to the platform, we invite the user to review it periodically. II. Legal capacity: the services provided through this platform are offered to users of legal age, with legal capacity to contract and be bound by the terms of sale of our services. Therefore, when accessing the services offered, it will be understood that such personnel are of legal age and understand the scope of the obligations that are contracted, as well as the benefits that are obtained. III. User registration and accessibility: by entering our platform www.jointech-mx.com, you will be able to learn about our services, in the same way, if you are interested in registering as one of our users, you will be able to access the benefits that the company offers to the same. To register, the company requests the following information:
  • Full name
  • Company name
  • Email
  • Inquisitive message
  When sharing personal data, it is of the utmost importance that the data is as accurate, true and up-to-date as possible, since the data you provide us will be used to achieve successful communication, so when registering, you must assume the commitment according to time if necessary, keep your personal data updated, in case they have been modified, in order to guarantee and respond to questions of veracity and validity of the personal data provided. On the other hand, the company reserves the right to request any other information in order to verify the identity of the user and/or client, as well as to reject the registration to the platform, of those who do not provide the required information. IV. Protection of personal data: the personal information that you provide us, that is, your personal data, will be protected under the strictest electronic security standards, to prevent its dissemination. Likewise, the treatment of your personal data (access, management, use, transfers or disposition of these), are treated in a strictly private and confidential manner, in addition it is done through an adequate, legitimate and lawful use, at all times, permanently safeguarding the principles of legality, consent, quality, information, proportionality, responsibility, loyalty and purpose, in order to prevent unauthorized access to your personal data. If you want more information about privacy and the treatment that we will provide to your personal data, we invite you to read our comprehensive privacy notice. In the event that you wish to access your ARCO rights (Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition) of your personal data at any time, you can exercise it via email to services@jointech-mx.com, by means of a request containing at least the following data:
  • Full name of the owner of the personal data;
  • Documents that prove the identity of the owner;
  • If applicable, name of the owner’s legal representative and documents to prove his identity and personality;
  • The clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which it is requested to exercise any of the ARCO Rights; and
  • Sign the application at the end of the letter.
  V. Obligations of the parties: the company is subject to certain obligations in which it is responsible for said issues such as the following:
  • Maintain and always preserve the correct functioning of this platform, its functions and accessibility.
  • Keep its terms and conditions updated, as well as its comprehensive privacy notice.
  • Timely attend to failures that the platform presents, except those whose functionality does not depend directly on the company.
  Users are subject to obligations for which they are responsible for the following:
  • Create your user profile.
  • Keep your personal data updated, in case there are changes to them.
  • Accept the policies that are presented in this document, as well as know and accept the content of the comprehensive privacy notice.
  • If necessary, request an invoice for the payment made in favor of the company, within 5 days after it has been made, sending an email to the address: services@jointech-mx.com, with the following information:
    • Denomination or social reason
    • Federal taxpayer registration number
    • Fiscal address
    • Phone number
    • Proof of payment
  VI. Use of the platform: the platform’s objective is to provide a service digitally, in which the company discloses all the services available to its users and/or clients, within which its complete service can be found. On the other hand, the user undertakes to correctly provide their updated email, this in order to attend follow-up and satisfaction surveys of the products and / or services that have beenpurchased, so that the company can obtain the closest to their customer service experienceand, of course, make improvements to both our platform and the company. Use contrary to the rules established on the platform, whether it violates the image and/or content of the platform, such as that of the company, or even violates the laws of intellectual property and/or protection of personal data, will be considered as a violation and will be responsible for the pertinent legal actions, as well as to indemnify the damage caused, without exempting the criminal liability provided for in current legislation. VII. Services and products: the company, through its platform, carries out and offers staffing services, direct placement of personnel and consultancy in the field of software development, as well as among other acts that arise from the relationship between the company and the user and /or client. VIII. Costs: the registration of our platform has no cost for its users, so they will be able to access; However, to contract our services offered within the platform, each one has its own cost, so the costs vary according to the services that the user chooses. Once the user requests costs to the email services@jointech-mx.com, a quote will be sent to him IX. Intellectual property: the graphic and audiovisual content that you will find on our platform, such as texts, files, images, videos, logos, brands, etc., are part of the Intellectual Property of the company. The intellectual property rights found on the platform and that are part of the company are protected by laws and international copyright and industrial property treaties. The improper us and/or total or partial reproduction of said contents is prohibited, except with prior authorization granted by the company in writing. X. Terms and conditions: in this company we are constantly looking for ways to improve the platform, our services and/or products, so we reserve the right to modify these policies at any time. In the event that modifications are made to the platform, there will be no prior notice to users and/or clients, therefore, we ask you to make sure to constantly consult and review these policies, since, when they are modified on our platform, they will enter into force fifteen days after, and it will be considered that they have been accepted, it being understood that the relationship that links the user and/or client with the company is in force. In the event that the user and/or client is not satisfied with the modification of the policies, they must communicate via email to the address: services@jointech-mx.com, to request the immediate disqualification of their user within the platform, as long as there is no current contracted service XI. Contact: the means of contact with the company will be through email: services@jointech-mx.com, where you can receive assistance on the use of the platform or these terms and conditions XII. Jurisdiction: for the interpretation, compliance and execution of these policies, the parties agree to expressly submit to the laws of the United Mexican States and the State of Baja California and its competent Courts, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them by reason of their present or future domicile, or that for any other reason may correspond to them.

© JOINTECH. All rights reserved.