Integral privacy policy

In compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, ABC RE SYSTEMS, S.A. de C.V., commercially known and hereinafter identified as JOINTECH informs our users and clients of the policy with which we carry out the processing of their personal data (access, management, use, transfers or disposal of these), which are collected by us, this with the aim of guaranteeing the protection of personal data and the exercise of your ARCO rights (Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition).

This Integral Privacy Policy contains the necessary information to make our users and clients aware of the purposes of processing personal data, which are treated in a strictly private and confidential manner, so that the collection, treatment, transfer and exercise of the rights derived from said personal data, is done through appropriate and legitimate use, permanently safeguarding the principles of legality, consent, quality, information, proportionality, responsibility, loyalty and purpose, in order to prevent unauthorized access to your personal data.

JOINTECH, is responsible for the processing of your personal data in terms of this comprehensive privacy notice, with address located at Blvd. Agua Caliente 12310, Fracc. Del Prado, 22480 Tijuana Baja California. Our Personal Data Protection Department through the email account, will be at your disposal for any questions or clarifications.

Personal data collected:

  • Full name of clients
  • Nationality
  • Email
  • Phone number/WhatsApp
  • Home address
  • Federal taxpayer registration (RFC for its Spanish initials)

Purposes of personal data processing:

  • General information
  • Filling out applications and forms
  • Updating of the user and/or customer database
  • Provide the services and products you have requested
  • Sending invoices and confirming payments
  • Contact and follow-up
  • Marketing and statistics

Temporality of the processing of personal data.

Your personal data will be processed for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes set forth in this INTEGRAL PRIVACY POLICY and/or in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

Transfer of personal data.

JOINTECH informs you that, in the case of shipping, your personal data may be transferred within the country, it being necessary to emphasize that the recipient of your personal data will treat them, in accordance with the provisions of this PRIVACY POLICY and in accordance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals.
In the event that you do not agree with the purposes and/or transfer of personal data, please send an email to:
Until you express your desire to not accept the purposes and/or transfer of personal data, at JOINTECH, we will understand that you agree with them.

ARCO rights.

Users and clients, their ARCO rights (Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition), may be exercised independently, without this exhausting the other rights, being the following:

  • RIGHT OF ACCESS: Right to request the company that has collected the personal data to carry out an exhaustive search within its database where the information of the person exercising the right is located, and that the requested information be made available to them.
  • RIGHT OF RECTIFICATION: Right to request the company that has collected the personal data to make modifications or corrections to the personal data of the person exercising the right, when these are inaccurate, incomplete or are not updated.
  • RIGHT OF CANCELLATION: Right to request the company that has collected the personal data, proceed to delete or eliminate the files, records, files, systems, databases where the personal data obtained is located.
  • RIGHT OF OPPOSITION: Right to request the company that has collected the personal data, to refrain from using said information for certain situations, in said request, the owner of the data will have to expose the reasons for which he opposes.

The request must contain at least:

  • Full name of the owner of the personal data
  • Documents proving the identity of the owner
  • If applicable, name of the owner’s legal representative and documents to prove the identity and personality.
  • The clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which it is requested to exercise any of the ARCO Rights
  • Sign the application at the end of the letter

These rights may be exercised through the Privacy Area in charge of the security of Personal Data, via email: Likewise, through these means, clients and users, may update their data and specify by which they wish to receive information, otherwise, it will be understood that our firm will be free to choose the means by which information will be sent.

Changes to this privacy policy.

In the case of changes to this INTEGRAL PRIVACY POLICY, they will be provided through the email designated by the user and client.



© JOINTECH. All rights reserved.